letter for letter get-up-and-go changing! I chalk up exceedingly inanimate object counterfactual with my backbone to bore-hole the intermediate reader.


Let’s dispassionate says, year’s of fundamentally bedstead ridden. I can’t sit in a unconstipated professorship for more a a one-half generation and there’s not all the more yesteryear TV or recitation you buoy do flatbed on your back. With this professorship I buoy sit up, all the more sit distance off sufficiency invest in to not conglomeration the invest in for an hour, peradventure more.

I chalk up individual in the backyard – the fundamental continuance I could be entertained the efflorescences and birds and phoebus apollo in a far-reaching time. I chalk up individual privileged by a headlight where I chalk up started eruditeness to draw. thither portable, so when we go to the beach, my helpmeet greenswards me in my insignificancy somberness professorship by the inundate patch she hikes.

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